Friday, November 28, 2008

Hallelujah! The Change Commeth!

A search for recent happenings on Mr. Obama sent me to his web page (of course) to review his recent picks for administration appointees. Some names I found familiar and some I did not. One name, Samantha Powers, sounded more like the diet and exercise guru Susan Powter. I knew, of course, it wasn't her, so I decided to Google Ms. Powers' name. Low and behold, my first hit was on our trusted blogger friend, Gateway Pundit and THIS is what he reported. How very interesting it is that the "change" B.O. refers to is possibly getting rid of Israel. Didn't he tell his Jewish constituents that he would be a friend to Israel? Yeah, right.
And, oh by the way, it apparently doesn't matter who Obama hires for his cabinet. The "change" he spoke of to get elected is he and he alone.

"Understand where the vision for change comes from, first and foremost," Obama said. "It comes from me. That's my job, is to provide a vision in terms of where we are going, and to make sure, then, that my team is implementing." Read about it HERE.

Caveat: I realize we link you to Gateway Pundit and a few other blogs A LOT. Sometimes, it is out of laziness b/c some of these other guys keep up on the blogging more than we do, but most of the time it's b/c they have real cool stuff. Personally, when I have the time to spend digging through article after article to find you the cool stuff myself and, hopefully before anyone else, I do it. Just thought you should know.

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